Sunday, July 15, 2018

The People in West Virginia

    Our hearts are very heavy as we try to sprint to the finish line. We will miss the good people of Huntington WV. We are three weeks from leaving and folks are realizing that our time is short here before we head home to Arizona. They are wanting to schedule dinners, speaking assignments, sing in church meetings and other social gatherings. We have had offers to stay and not go home and live with families here. Some suggestions are to go home and see our families then get on back here, and others offer to have us vacation here. In general these folks are in our hearts and I think we just may have found our way into theirs.

We had our second July 4th in the mission field. We had lunch with Huntington 1st ward at Beech Fork State Park. It was crazy hot but the food and people were great.
 The Huntington 2nd ward had a picnic at 6:00 PM. It was 99 degrees and very humid at dinnertime. Patriotic or not, get me indoors in the A/C. Last year was pleasant, this year was not.
  The missionary work goes forward,  or as Roc would say,"onward and upward". The sisters in our area have had 4 baptisms in the last 2 weeks. They have knocked doors, taught the discussions, given service and brought people unto Christ and into the waters of baptism. They have worked hard and this area is being blessed because of their good/hard work. It has been a pleasure to feed them and take them to appointments, and in general support them however we can.

   Last week Pat and I made two tied quilts for our two literacy learners. We wanted to do something for them when we leave and a home made warm quilt for the cold winters seemed like the right thing. So we got those done. Let's say that I did the tying and Pat clipped all the yarn ties. Pat is getting pretty good at helping me with the rolling to be able to reach better.
We also spent a another day of tying quilts to teach our friend Angel Perry how to tie quilts. She has made two T-shirt quilt tops and wanted to learn how to tie them. We got her first one done and she is now on a roll.

  Last week I demonstrated "How to make Cinnamon Rolls" to the Ward Relief Society Sisters. I made 10 dozen rolls. We had a great turn out of sisters. I made a batch of dough here at home before going, then once there showed them how to roll it out and add the butter, sugar and cinnamon, then roll them up and put them into pans. When those were raising I taught them how to use their Kitchen Aid mixers or mix them by hand. While this second round of rolls were raising I made frosting for the first ones out of the oven. The church smelled great. The Stake Presidency were there for meetings and came over to the kitchen. They said the smell came over and got them. So every one had plenty to eat and to take some home to husbands and they learned a new skill that I hope they try for their families.

   We were with the full time  Elders tonight at a dinner appointment at our dear friends, Bishop and Sister Kirby. The Elders left a parting message in their home. I have come to love these wonderful messages that the missionaries bring. Quite often the messages are exactly what I need to hear. Anyway, tonights message was on heeding the promptings we are given, the first time they are given. I would like to invite all who would to read Alma 8:14-32 about Alma receiving a message from an Angel to go back to the city of Ammonihah to preach to the people there and he went speedily. What a blessing to be reminded to listen to and act on spiritual promptings speedily, when they are given.

  We are doing well and still loving the work and the people.
Almost Heaven, Traynors